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Sobre Antonio Miranda















Teu corpo e o meu caindo sobre o mundo:
noite saqueada por uma caravana de relâmpagos.
Despojos do tempo foragido de sua fonte,
minando abismos à deriva, perdas flutuantes.
O rosto deformado da beleza que as ruínas cultuam,
linguagem extraviada ao querer entrar em si.
Teu corpo e o meu em sua queda mais secreta.
Um labirinto que fosse um deserto e um deus
ciente que dali não há retorno. Fuga de trevas.
Os disfarces fatais da memória ante o infinito.
Indetíveis sombras caindo sobre o mundo.
Teu corpo e o meu: o que resta de um no outro.



          Translated by Jesus J. Barquet

Your body and mine falling over the world:
night sacked by a caravan of thunderstrokes.
Remains of a time fleeing from its source,
mining loose abysses and oscillating losses.
The deformed face of beauty worshipped by ruins,
language mislaid when trying to go into itself.
Your body and mine in their most secret falling.
A maze as if it were a desert or a god
who knows there is no return from there. Fleeing darkness.
The fatal disguises of memory before the infinite.
Unstoppable shadows falling over the world.
Your body and mine: what remains from one in the other.



POESIA SEMPRE – Revista Semestral de Poesia.  ANO 4 – NÚMERO 7 – JULHO 1996.  Rio de Janeiro: Fundação Biblioteca Nacional, Ministério da Cultura, Departamento Nacional do Livro, 1996.  Ex. bibl. Antonio Miranda  


One last drink with Lilia  

("Uma ultima taça com Lilia") 


The body seduced by an intoxicating inertia. There is no way I can avoid thinking about the kind of world I belong to. The abuse of Utopias disfigures everything- God is a book I can no longer read. Today all truth seems false to me. Someone sighing in the darkness. Lurking behind all pride a huge lizard with a voluptuous tongue. Something tells me that immortality is monstrous. The dialectic of every crime lies in the laughter directed at its victim. I dyed my hair throughout my latter years. I believed I could suppress death. My head resting against. The sky-is my final comment on the comedy of our lives. Only God would adore his own death.



Translated by Margareth Jul! Costa




Página publicada em janeiro de 2009; Página ampliada e republicada em janeiro de 2018




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